What Free Speech Means

Briton Ryle

Posted May 13, 2015

I’m pretty sure this article is going to tick some people off. But another fundamental American right is being threatened, and I gotta say this…

If I’m comfortable with my faith or in my beliefs, it shouldn’t bother me if you disagree with me or even attack fundamental elements of what I hold dear. You can even call me stupid for what I believe, and while I might then conclude you are a jerk, I cannot (and will not) threaten you or in any way impede your right to say what you want.

That’s freedom of speech.

And freedom of speech serves a greater purpose that we may not always recognize: to strengthen our beliefs and our faith.

Because when someone insults or challenges something you believe strongly in, the tendency to get angry about it is also a call to action — to ponder why, exactly, does this bother me so much?

Such self-examination of our beliefs and our faith makes those beliefs stronger, because we then either have to accept the reasons we believe or reject the idea.

I write two articles a week for Wealth Daily. I get plenty of criticism. If I mention the Fed or interest rates, I get called a Keynesian. If I question Fox News, I get called a liberal. I wonder what I’ll get called when I criticize a Washington Post article in a minute?

You can say what you want about me; I’ve got thick skin. And what’s more, I’m not afraid to review what I’ve written to see if there’s any merit to the criticism.

So here’s a question. I’m sure it’s going to be misunderstood and mischaracterized, but I’m going to ask it anyway…

As an American, how do you feel when you see someone burning the American flag? Does it make you question America? Or does it strengthen your sense of what it means to be an American?

If we are honest with ourselves, we understand there are reasons some people are angry at America. Ron Paul will tell you this, too: Drone strikes in other countries that kill civilians without due process, the mistake of invading Iraq, torture — these are all valid reasons for people in other countries to be angry.

There’s valid reason for Americans to be angry about things going on here, too…

But when I see a burning American flag, my belief that America is the greatest country on earth — that our freedoms and achievements are second to none, that America offers more opportunity to better oneself than any place on earth — is strengthened. 

We Are Charlie

I’m sure you know about the French magazine Charlie Hebdo that was attacked by terrorists for printing images of Muhammad that were deemed offensive. 12 people were killed.

And I’m sure you know about the recent Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, Texas that was attacked by two men carrying assault rifles.

In both cases, the men who carried out the armed attacks were offended that the image of Muhammad was being made into cartoons. And they had every right to be offended. I’m sure some of us would be offended if it were images of Jesus Christ being made into cartoons.

But that doesn’t mean we’re going to try to shoot the cartoonists with assault rifles…

If someone says to you, “I will kill you if you say that,” they are taking away your right to free speech. And likewise, if you say you’ll punch someone if they say something offensive to you, you are taking away that person’s right to free speech.

The question of whether it’s offensive or not is irrelevant.

The real question is: Are you so uncertain of your faith and beliefs that another person’s words can call it into question?

What Does Freedom Mean?

So let’s say someone threatens you about something you say. Your right to free speech is being taken away.

How do you protect your right to free speech? By continuing to say what you’ve been threatened about, to continue to speak your mind.

There’s a reason you don’t see many offensive/grotesque images of Jesus Christ. It’s because Christians don’t freak out about it. For the most part, Christians understand that their faith is a personal relationship, and that relationship is not changed by what others say.

What’s more, Christianity teaches us to turn the other cheek, to have humility and compassion for others.

Because Christians no longer react to offensive imagery involving Christ, they (we) are quite literally “free” from taking offense and free to choose how to worship.

Lately, there’s been a debate around whether people should refrain from creating and distributing offensive images of Muhammad out of respect for moderate Muslims — those who are as opposed to radical Islam and its violence and hatred as we are.

And just yesterday, an article by a Washington Post columnist said this:

When Americans engage in high-profile, attention-seeking acts of blasphemy [against Muhammad], they are not joining American military and intelligence forces at the front line; they are complicating and undermining their work.

This columnist is saying the West needs the help of moderate Muslims to fight radical Islam. And while that may be true, he’s also saying that we should not create offensive (blasphemous) images of Muhammad so we don’t offend potential allies.

In other words, he is advocating abandoning an element of free speech so as not to further offend anyone. Yes, once again, we are being asked to give up a fundamental American right in the interest of national security

You know what I think? I think we should absolutely defend the right to free speech, no matter what. In fact, I think we are called upon to defend that right when someone says, “Don’t say that or else…”

Again, freedom of speech serves a great purpose: It strengthens our beliefs and our faith. And more than that, it should teach us that while sticks and stones (and assault rifles) can hurt us, words never can.

Until next time,

Until next time,

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Briton Ryle

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A 21-year veteran of the newsletter business, Briton Ryle is the editor of The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter, with a focus on top-quality dividend growth stocks and REITs. Briton also manages the Real Income Trader advisory service, where his readers take regular cash payouts using a low-risk covered call option strategy. He is also the managing editor of the Wealth Daily e-letter. To learn more about Briton, click here.

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